Japanese Vocabulary: The topic of Childbirth
Having a baby is a happy and thrilling journey in life. Understanding and using Japanese vocabulary related to this topic will help you to interact and communicate effectively during childbirth.

Here is the translation of the passage from Vietnamese to Japanese while keeping the original Japanese words unchanged:
- 出産 (しゅっさん) - Birth
- 赤ちゃん (あかちゃん) - Baby
- 妊娠 (にんしん) - Pregnancy
- 陣痛 (じんつう) - Labor pain
- 産婦人科医 (さんふじんかい) - Obstetrician
- 分娩室 (ぶんべんしつ) - Delivery room
- 産前教室 (さんぜんきょうしつ) - Prenatal class
- 助産師 (じょさんし) - Midwife
- 産褥期 (さんじょくき) - Postpartum period
- 授乳 (じゅにゅう) - Breastfeeding
- おむつ (おむつ) - Diaper
- 哺乳瓶 (ほにゅうびん) - Bottle
- ミルク (みるく) - Formula milk
- 幼児 (ようじ) - Toddler
- 予防接種 (よぼうせっしゅ) - Vaccination
- 育児 (いくじ) - Childcare
- おんぶ (おんぶ) - Carrying a baby on one's back
- オムツ交換 (おむつこうかん) - Diaper change
- 赤ちゃんのお風呂 (あかちゃんのおふろ) - Bathing the baby
- 育児書 (いくじしょ) - Parenting book
In addition, here are some useful phrases and sentences related to the topic of childbirth:
- 赤ちゃんが生まれました (あかちゃんがうまれました) - The baby has been born.
- 陣痛が始まりました (じんつうがはじまりました) - Labor pain has started.
- 産婦人科医に相談しました (さんふじんかいにそうだんしました) - I consulted with an obstetrician.
- 出産予定日はいつですか (しゅっさんよていびはいつですか) - When is the expected due date?
- 赤ちゃんが泣いています (あかちゃんがないています) - The baby is crying.
Hopefully this article has helped you expand your Japanese vocabulary related to the topic of "birth". Wishing you a wonderful experience and happiness when welcoming a new member to your family.