Aete 敢えて(あえて)

あえて (aete) is an adverb in Japanese meaning "dare," "boldly," or "intentionally."
It is often used when someone does something despite knowing it is difficult, unnecessary, or contrary to expectations.
- あえて言うけど、君の考えは間違っている。I dare say, but your idea is wrong.
- あえてこの道を選んだのは、新しい挑戦がしたかったからだ。I chose this path intentionally because I wanted a new challenge.
- あえてリスクを取ることも必要だ。Sometimes, taking a risk is necessary.
- あえて反対の意見を述べる。I express a contrary opinion boldly.
- あえて古い方法を使う。I intentionally use the old method.
- あえて辛い道を選ぶ。I choose a difficult path boldly.
- あえて知らないふりをした。I pretended not to know intentionally.
- あえて何もしないという選択肢もある。Doing nothing intentionally is also an option.
- あえて難しい仕事を引き受ける。I take on a difficult task boldly.
- あえて嘘をついた。I intentionally told a lie.
A: このプロジェクトは難しいけど、どうする?This project is difficult, but what should we do?
B: あえて挑戦してみよう。Let's dare to take on the challenge.
A: なぜあえてそんなに遠い場所に行くの?Why do you intentionally go to such a far place?
B: 新しい経験がしたいから。Because I want a new experience.
A: あの意見に反対するのは危険じゃない?Isn't it dangerous to oppose that opinion?
B: あえて言わなければならない時もある。Sometimes you have to say it boldly.