Japanese vocabulary: About colds

As the year comes to an end, the cold weather in Japan weakens the immune system, increasing the risk of catching a cold or flu. If you catch a cold, make sure to take medicine, get enough rest, and maintain a nutritious diet to recover quickly.
If you have finished the cold medicine you brought or it is not working effectively, consider trying some popular cold and flu medicines available in Japan.
Common Cold and Flu Symptoms
- Fatigue, discomfort, and mild fever.
- Runny or stuffy nose.
- Frequent sneezing.
- Body aches or mild headaches.
- Cough and sore throat.
Some Japanese vocabulary about medicine and colds:
- 薬屋 (くすりや): Pharmacy.
- 症状 (しょうじょう): Symptoms.
- 鼻水(はなみず): Runny nose.
- 鼻づまり (はなづまり): Stuffy nose.
- 熱 (ねつ): Fever.
- 風邪 (かぜ): Cold, flu.
- 総合かぜ薬 ( そうごうかぜくすり ): Common cold medicine
- のどが痛い ( のどがいたい): Sore throat.
- 頭痛 (ずつう): Headache.
- くしゃみ : Sneezing.
- 咳 ( せき ) : Cough.
- せき止め薬 (せきどめくすり): Cough medicine.
- 点鼻薬 (てんびやく): Nasal drops.
- たん:Phlegm.