Natto: A Beneficial Fermented Food
Natto (fermented soybeans) is a traditional Japanese fermented food that is famous for its unique flavor and stickiness. Many Japanese people enjoy natto with rice for breakfast.

Natto is made by fermenting soybeans with Bacillus subtilis natto. This fermentation process gives natto its unique stickiness and flavor.
The Taste of Natto
The flavor and texture of natto provoke different reactions in each person. Some people are hooked after trying it once and incorporate it into their daily meals. On the other hand, many people are surprised by its unique flavor and stickiness when they try it for the first time and find it difficult to like. However, by continuing to eat it several times, they may realize how delicious it is. Some people do not like the unique smell and stickiness of natto, but it is worth trying once.
Nutritional Value and Health Benefits of Natto
Contrary to its appearance and smell, natto is a very nutritious food that can be expected to have many health benefits. Natto is rich in protein, probiotics, and vitamin K, which can help prevent heart disease, lower cholesterol, and reduce the risk of stroke. A 2009 study also showed that natto may help prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease.
How to eat natto
There are many variations in how natto is eaten, but it is generally mixed with soy sauce and mustard. Commercially available natto packs often come with soy sauce and mustard. It is also popular to add chopped green onions, grated daikon radish, raw eggs, etc.
The trick to eating natto deliciously is to mix it well after adding the ingredients. It is said that mixing 100 times maximizes the nutritional value of natto. It is common to eat mixed natto over rice, but you can also enjoy natto-based dishes such as fried rice, natto ramen, and natto sushi.
Natto is a food that divides people into love and hate due to its unique flavor and stickiness. However, its rich nutritional value and many health benefits make it worth trying once. Why not try natto as part of your experience of traditional Japanese food culture?