Japanese Vocabulary: Travel
Traveling is a fascinating topic when learning Japanese, because it involves discovering new places and communicating with locals. In this article, we will explore some Japanese vocabulary related to the topic of travel.

- 旅行 (ryokou): Travel
- 観光地 (kankouchi): Tourist destination
- 観光名所 (kankou meisho): Tourist attraction
- 旅館 (ryokan): Traditional Japanese inn
- ホテル (hoteru): Hotel
- レストラン (resutoran): Restaurant
- 観光案内所 (kankou annaisho): Tourist information center
- 地図 (chizu): Map
- 言語 (gengo): Language
- お土産 (omiyage): Souvenir
- 交通機関 (koutsuu kikan): Transportation
- 飛行機 (hikouki): Airplane
- 電車 (densha): Train
- 地下鉄 (chikatetsu): Subway
- バス (basu): Bus
- 観光ツアー (kankou tsuaa): Sightseeing tour
- ガイドブック (gaidobukku): Guidebook
In addition, here are some useful phrases and sentence patterns as you travel and encounter different situations:
- 観光地を訪れる (kankouchi o otozureru): Visit tourist destinations
- ホテルにチェックインする (hoteru ni chekkuin suru): Check into a hotel
- 地元の食べ物を試す (jimoto no tabemono o tamesu): Try local food
- 観光名所を散策する (kankou meisho o sansaku suru): Explore tourist attractions
- お土産を買う (omiyage o kau): Buy souvenirs
- 電車に乗る (densha ni noru): Take a train
- レストランで食事する (resutoran de shokuji suru): Have a meal at a restaurant
Hopefully this article has helped you expand your Japanese vocabulary related to the topic of travel. Try using these words to enjoy and go on a travel adventure in Japanese. Wish you have a fun and exciting journey!