Japanese Vocabulary: Weather
Here are some Japanese vocabulary related to the topic "Weather".

- 天気 (tenki): Weather
- 晴れ (hare): Sunny
- 雨 (ame): Rain
- 雪 (yuki): Snow
- 曇り (kumori): Cloudy
- 雷電 (raiden): Thunder and lightning
- 霧 (kiri): Fog
- 霜 (shimo): Frost
- 風 (kaze): Wind
- 台風 (taifuu): Typhoon
- 温度 (ondo): Temperature
- 暑い (atsui): Hot
- 寒い (samui): Cold
- 涼しい (suzushii): Cool
- 気温 (kion): Air temperature
- 湿度 (shitsudo): Humidity
- 晴天 (seiten): Clear sky
- 天候 (tenkou): Weather (general term)
- 夕日 (yuuhi): Sunset
- 日差し (hizashi): Sunlight
- 梅雨 (tsuyu): Rainy season
- 風速 (fuusoku): Wind speed
- 紫外線 (shi-gaisen): Ultraviolet rays
- 湿度計 (shitsudo-kei): Hygrometer
- 晴れ間 (harema): Sunny intervals during rainy weather
- 霧雨 (kirisa): Drizzle
- 雷雨 (rai-u): Thunderstorm
- 雪国 (yukiguni): Snowy region
- 猛暑 (mousho): Intense heat
- 寒波 (kanpa): Cold wave
- 豪雨 (gouu): Heavy rain
- 霧笛 (furedi): Foghorn
- 沈む (shizumu): Sunset, sun setting
- 昇る (noboru): Sunrise, sun rising
- 凍る (kooru): Freeze, to be frozen
In addition, there are many other words related to weather such as season, clouds, dawn, pacific, tornado and more. This vocabulary will help you better describe and understand weather conditions and how to talk about weather in Japanese.