Japanese Vocabulary: Company
Company (会社 - かいしゃ, kaisha) is a common concept in business and working life. Here are some Japanese vocabulary related to company topics.

- 会社 (かいしゃ, kaisha) - Company
- 従業員 (じゅうぎょういん, jūgyōin) - Employee, staff
- 社長 (しゃちょう, shachō) - Company president, CEO
- 部門 (ぶもん, bumon) - Department, division
- チーム (chīmu) - Team
- 組織 (そしき, soshiki) - Organization
- 事業 (じぎょう, jigyō) - Business, enterprise
- 利益 (りえき, rieki) - Profit, earnings
- 売上高 (うりあげだか, uriagedaka) - Sales revenue
- 資本 (しほん, shihon) - Capital
- 株式 (かぶしき, kabushiki) - Stock, shares
- 役職 (やくしょく, yakushoku) - Position, title
- 採用 (さいよう, saiyō) - Recruitment, hiring
- 給与 (きゅうよ, kyūyo) - Salary, wages
- 昇進 (しょうしん, shōshin) - Promotion, advancement
- 評価 (ひょうか, hyōka) - Evaluation, assessment
- ミーティング (mītingu) - Meeting, company meeting
- 経営 (けいえい, keiei) - Management, administration
- 人事 (じんじ, jinji) - Human resources, personnel
- 経理 (けいり, keiri) - Accounting, finance
- 営業 (えいぎょう, eigyō) - Sales, business development
- 企画 (きかく, kikaku) - Planning, project planning
- 研究開発 (けんきゅうかいはつ, kenkyū kaihatsu) - Research and development
- 品質管理 (ひんしつかんり, hinshitsu kanri) - Quality control, quality management
- プロジェクト (purojekuto) - Project
Hopefully the above vocabulary list will help you expand your vocabulary and understanding of the topic "Company" in Japanese. These are important words when you talk about the company, the job and aspects related to the work environment in an organization.