Japanese vocabulary: Insurance

Insurance is an important part of life to protect us from risks and surprises. Understanding and using Japanese vocabulary related to this topic can help you interact and communicate effectively in the insurance industry.

Jun 24, 2023 - 14:09
Japanese vocabulary: Insurance

Here are some Japanese vocabulary related to insurance topics for your reference:

  1. 保険 (ほけん) - Insurance
  2. 生命保険 (せいめいほけん) - Life insurance
  3. 自動車保険 (じどうしゃほけん) - Car insurance
  4. 火災保険 (かさいほけん) - Fire insurance
  5. 医療保険 (いりょうほけん) - Health insurance
  6. 障害保険 (しょうがいほけん) - Disability insurance
  7. 家屋保険 (かおくほけん) - Home insurance
  8. 責任保険 (せきにんほけん) - Liability insurance
  9. 保険会社 (ほけんがいしゃ) - Insurance company
  10. 保険契約 (ほけんけいやく) - Insurance policy/contract
  11. 被保険者 (ひほけんしゃ) - Insured person
  12. 被保険物 (ひほけんぶつ) - Insured property
  13. 補償金 (ほしょうきん) - Compensation
  14. 証書 (しょうしょ) - Certificate
  15. クレーム (くれーむ) - Claim
  16. 保険金 (ほけんきん) - Insurance payout/claim
  17. 保険料 (ほけんりょう) - Insurance premium
  18. 補償範囲 (ほしょうはんい) - Coverage scope
  19. 免責事項 (めんせきじこう) - Exclusion clause
  20. アクシデント (あくしでんと) - Accident

In addition, here are some useful phrases and sentence patterns related to the topic of insurance:

  1. 保険に加入する (ほけんにかにゅうする) - To enroll in insurance
  2. 保険の見直しをする (ほけんのみなおしをする) - To review insurance
  3. 被保険者になる (ひほけんしゃになる) - To become an insured person
  4. 保険金を請求する (ほけんきんをせいきゅうする) - To file an insurance claim
  5. 補償金を受け取る (ほしょうきんをうけとる) - To receive compensation
  6. 保険に加入する必要がありますか (ほけんにかにゅうするひつようがありますか) - Is it necessary to enroll in insurance?

Hopefully this article has helped you expand your Japanese vocabulary related to the topic "insurance". Use these words and phrases to understand and conduct insurance transactions with confidence and fluency.

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