Japanese Vocabulary: Animal
Animals play an important role in ecosystems and provide benefits to humans. They can play a role in controlling the population of other organisms, breaking down organic materials and maintaining environmental balance.

Animals include groups like mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, insects and many others. They have diverse characteristics and behaviors. Some animals work alongside humans such as dogs, cats and horses, while others live wild in the wild.
Learning about animals not only helps us understand the diversity and ecological relationships in nature, but also brings joy and excitement in exploring the natural world around us.
Here Injavi will introduce to you some Japanese vocabulary related to the topic Animals.
- 動物 (どうぶつ, dōbutsu) - Animal
- 犬 (いぬ, inu) - Dog
- 猫 (ねこ, neko) - Cat
- 鳥 (とり, tori) - Bird
- 魚 (さかな, sakana) - Fish
- 兎 (うさぎ, usagi) - Rabbit
- 馬 (うま, uma) - Horse
- 牛 (うし, ushi) - Cow
- 羊 (ひつじ, hitsuji) - Sheep
- 豚 (ぶた, buta) - Pig
- 鴨 (かも, kamo) - Duck
- 蛇 (へび, hebi) - Snake
- 虫 (むし, mushi) - Insect
- 熊 (くま, kuma) - Bear
- 猿 (さる, saru) - Monkey
- 虎 (とら, tora) - Tiger
- 象 (ぞう, zō) - Elephant
- 鯨 (くじら, kujira) - Whale
- 亀 (かめ, kame) - Turtle
- 蝶 (ちょう, chō) - Butterfly
- 豹 (ひょう, hyō) - Leopard
- 狼 (おおかみ, ōkami) - Wolf
- 豹 (くろひょう, kurohyō) - Black Panther
- 獅子 (しし, shishi) - Lion
- 猪 (いのしし, inoshishi) - Wild boar
- 鹿 (しか, shika) - Deer
- 狐 (きつね, kitsune) - Fox
- 熊猫 (ぱんだ, panda) - Panda
- 老鼠 (ねずみ, nezumi) - Mouse
- 蜘蛛 (くも, kumo) - Spider
- 蚊 (か, ka) - Mosquito
- 蚕 (かいこ, kaiko) - Silkworm
- 蝦 (えび, ebi) - Shrimp
- 蟹 (かに, kani) - Crab
- 蛙 (かえる, kaeru) - Frog
- 羽毛 (うもう, umō) - Feathers
- 鳴き声 (なきごえ, nakigoe) - Animal sound
- 鳥かご (とりかご, torikago) - Birdcage
- 毛皮 (けがわ, kegawa) - Fur
Hope these words will help you expand your Japanese vocabulary related to animals!