Japanese vocabulary about types of nutritional ingredients
Here, Injavi would like to share with you a group of Japanese vocabulary about the most basic types of nutritional ingredients (栄養成分). You can know what kind of medicine or functional food, what vitamins you use.

All kinds of nutritional ingredients are mainly transliterated katakana from English, so the root word of many words is only available in English.
Japanese | English |
カロリー / エネルギー | calories |
タンパク質(タンパクしつ) | protein |
脂質(ししつ) | lipid |
炭水化物(たんすいかぶつ) | carbohydrate |
食物繊維(しょくもつせんい) | dietary fiber |
糖質(とうしつ) | sugar |
コレステロール | cholesterol |
鉄(てつ) | iron |
カルシウム | calcium/canxi |
ビタミンA | vitamin A |
ビタミンB | vitamin B |
ビタミンC | vitamin C |
ビタミンD | vitamin D |
ビタミンE | vitamin E |
ビタミンK | vitamin K |
マグネシウム | magnesium |
ナトリウム | natrium |
ミネラル | minerals |
ナイアシン | niacin |
ビオチン | biotin |
葉酸(ようさん) | folic acid |
パントテン酸(パントテンさん) | pantothenic acid |
リン | rin |
Hopefully, this article of Injavi provides you with necessary and useful information for those of you who are learning Japanese, preparing for the JLPT exam.
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