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Tokyo quirky vending machines

In the bustling streets of Tokyo, amidst the neon lights and the constant hum of...

Types of tea you can find in Japanese supermarkets

In the serene aisles of Japanese supermarkets, amidst the bustle of shoppers and...

The beauty and tradition of Japan, the charm of living ...

Japan is home to many traditions and arts that have been passed down for more th...

Japanese cultural assets: Treasures that inherit histor...

Japan is a country with a long history and deep culture, and there are many cult...

Silent Farewell: Japanese Funeral Traditions

In Japanese culture, there are four significant life events known as "冠婚葬祭" ...

Bunka no Hi: Celebrating Japanese culture

Culture Day, known as "Bunka no Hi" (文化の日) in Japan, is celebrated on Novemb...

Language differences between Kanto and Kansai regions

In the land of the rising sun, beyond cultural and culinary distinctions, the Ka...

Exploring Amazake: Japan's traditional sweet rice wine

When it comes to drinks with rich history and cultural significance, Amazake, tr...

10 Traditional Japanese cultural aspects loved by forei...

Japan has always been a source of attraction for people all over the world. One ...

Wagasa Umbrella: Exploring the traditional Japanese

Japan is renowned for its timeless traditions and iconic cultural symbols, and o...

The epoch of Yayoi (400 BC to 300 AD)

The epoch of Yayoi, spanning from approximately 400 BC to 300 AD, marks a moment...

The Sengoku period: Political transformations and cultu...

The Sengoku period, spanning from 1477 to 1573, stands as a pivotal epoch in the...

Some things Japanese want tourists to understand

When traveling to Japan, knowing and applying these rules will help you create a...

Things to keep in mind when eating in Japan

Japanese culture has always been characterized by hard work, respect and fairnes...

The difference between the names Nippon and Nihon in Ja...

In Japanese, when it comes to the name of the country Japan, we often encounter ...

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