3 great places to explore in Chiba Prefecture

The best time to come here is spring, when the rice fields are sprayed with water to prepare for a new crop.

Dec 27, 2022 - 08:09
May 17, 2024 - 12:17
3 great places to explore in Chiba Prefecture

1, Egawa Kaigan
Chiba Prefecture's EGAWA(江川海岸)coast is famous as Japan's "UYUNI salt lake". Here, there are many electric poles built on the sea, creating a unique scene, a place that any photographer wants to come to work.

The best time to see the scenery here is at sunrise and sunset. When sunset falls, both the sky and the vast ocean will be dyed a fanciful orange.

2, Oyama Senjita
OYAMA SENJITA (大山千枚田) is a famous terraced rice field in Japan with a large area of nearly 4 hours. This is also the closest rice terrace to Tokyo, just a 20-minute walk from the center of Kamogawa city in CHIBA prefecture.

The best time to come here is spring, when the rice fields are sprayed with water to prepare for a new crop. In addition, when you come in the ripe rice season, it is also very wonderful, the scent of golden ripe rice along with the festival lights up the fields here and more than 10,000 candles are lit, creating a beautiful shimmering scene. virtual. This festival is held from autumn to early winter.

3, Noumizo Falls
Noumizo waterfall (濃溝の滝) is a very attractive place on SNS and media last year because of its unique uniqueness. You will see the most wonderful picture of nature combined with the sunlight that only shines in the morning, which is a heart-shaped light created from the light shining into the cave along with reflections on the water. 

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