Words commonly used by young Japanese today
Here are some words often used by young Japanese today:

- キャッチー (kyatchii) - catchy
- オシャレ (oshare) - fashionable, stylish
- モテる (moteru) - popular with the opposite sex
- イケメン (ikemen) - handsome man
- モテ女 (moteonna) - popular woman
- キラキラ (kirakira) - sparkling, glittering, shiny
- ワクワク (wakuwaku) - excited, thrilled, looking forward to something
- ドキドキ (dokidoki) - heart racing, nervous, excited
- セクシー (sekushii) - sexy
- プリティー (puritii) - pretty, cute
- メンヘラ (menhera) - a person with mental health issues
- おしゃピク (oshapiku) - taking pictures of oneself looking fashionable and stylish
- ストリート系 (sutoriitokei) - street-style, influenced by hip-hop or skater culture
- キャラ弁 (kyaraben) - a character bento, a lunchbox with an elaborately designed character from anime or manga
- インスタ映え (insuta-bae) - Instagram-worthy, something that looks good in an Instagram post
- リア充 (riaju) - someone who has a fulfilling real-life, particularly in terms of relationships and social lif
- ネット炎上 (nettouenjou) - online flame war, when something becomes controversial and people argue online about it
- ダメ男 (dameotoko) - a man who is not good for dating or relationships
- キモい (kimoi) - gross, disgusting
- ワケあり (wakeari) - someone who has a hidden or secret reason for doing something.