Detailed instructions on Visa types and admission conditions

Nowadays, studying abroad has become a popular choice for foreigners who want to improve their education and experience the culture in Japan.

May 16, 2023 - 19:25
Jun 22, 2024 - 15:08
Detailed instructions on Visa types and admission conditions

However, the visa application process and admission requirements can be daunting for many people. In this article, we will explore common visa types and requirements for admission in Japan. Let's find out the details to prepare well for your study abroad journey!

1. Student Visa
The student visa is the most common type of visa for foreigners who want to study in Japan. To be granted a student visa, you need to meet the following conditions:

  • Be admitted to a Japanese university, college, or high school.
  • Have enough money to cover living and studying in Japan.
  • Plan to return home after completing the study program.

2. Research Visa
Research visas are for people who want to engage in research, technology development, or study programs at Japanese colleges or universities. Necessary conditions to be granted a research visa include:

  • Be admitted to a research institution, research institute, or college or university in Japan.
  • Have enough money to sustain life in Japan.
  • Plan to return home after completing the study program.

3. High School Student Visa
For high school students, a high school student visa is the type of visa that is required for admission to a Japanese high school. Necessary conditions include:

  • Get accepted into a high school in Japan.
  • There is a representative in Japan to take legal responsibility and take care of the student.
  • Have enough money to pay for tuition and living in Japan.
  • Capable of health and security.

4. Student Visa
A trainee visa is a visa that allows foreigners to participate in an internship program in Japan to improve their skills and understanding of the job. Necessary conditions include:

  • Be accepted into an internship program at a Japanese company, organization or school.
  • There is an employment contract or internship agreement between the intern and the organization in Japan.
  • Have enough money to cover living and doing internship in Japan.

5. Engineer/Specialist Visa
Engineer visa or specialist visa is a type of visa for people with highly specialized skills and are invited to work in Japan. Necessary conditions include:

  • Being offered a job by a Japanese company.
  • Have the relevant skills and professional experience for the job.
  • There is a labor contract or working agreement between the employee and the company in Japan.
  • Have enough money to sustain life in Japan.

The visa application process and admission requirements for foreigners who want to study in Japan can be quite complicated. However, understanding the types of visas and necessary conditions will help you better prepare for your study abroad journey.

Do not hesitate to seek information, consult official sources of advice and contact the authorities for reliable assistance in the visa application and admission process. Good luck in your study abroad journey in Japan!

InJavi "InJavi" is a website that provides information for foreigners to enjoy life and visit in Japan more smoothly. This website is easy to use even for first-timers to Japan and those who are not very good at Japanese, and supports multiple languages. 「InJavi」は、外国人が日本の生活や観光をよりスムーズに楽しむための情報を提供するウェブサイトです。 初めて日本を訪れる方や日本語が苦手な方でも使いやすい、多言語対応サイトです。