Japanese Vocabulary: The topic of Childbirth

Having a baby is a happy and thrilling journey in life. Understanding and using Japanese vocabulary related to this topic will help you to interact and communicate effectively during childbirth.

Jun 22, 2023 - 13:31
Japanese Vocabulary: The topic of Childbirth

Here is the translation of the passage from Vietnamese to Japanese while keeping the original Japanese words unchanged:

  1. 出産 (しゅっさん) - Birth
  2. 赤ちゃん (あかちゃん) - Baby
  3. 妊娠 (にんしん) - Pregnancy
  4. 陣痛 (じんつう) - Labor pain
  5. 産婦人科医 (さんふじんかい) - Obstetrician
  6. 分娩室 (ぶんべんしつ) - Delivery room
  7. 産前教室 (さんぜんきょうしつ) - Prenatal class
  8. 助産師 (じょさんし) - Midwife
  9. 産褥期 (さんじょくき) - Postpartum period
  10. 授乳 (じゅにゅう) - Breastfeeding
  11. おむつ (おむつ) - Diaper
  12. 哺乳瓶 (ほにゅうびん) - Bottle
  13. ミルク (みるく) - Formula milk
  14. 幼児 (ようじ) - Toddler
  15. 予防接種 (よぼうせっしゅ) - Vaccination
  16. 育児 (いくじ) - Childcare
  17. おんぶ (おんぶ) - Carrying a baby on one's back
  18. オムツ交換 (おむつこうかん) - Diaper change
  19. 赤ちゃんのお風呂 (あかちゃんのおふろ) - Bathing the baby
  20. 育児書 (いくじしょ) - Parenting book

In addition, here are some useful phrases and sentences related to the topic of childbirth:

  1. 赤ちゃんが生まれました (あかちゃんがうまれました) - The baby has been born.
  2. 陣痛が始まりました (じんつうがはじまりました) - Labor pain has started.
  3. 産婦人科医に相談しました (さんふじんかいにそうだんしました) - I consulted with an obstetrician.
  4. 出産予定日はいつですか (しゅっさんよていびはいつですか) - When is the expected due date?
  5. 赤ちゃんが泣いています (あかちゃんがないています) - The baby is crying.

Hopefully this article has helped you expand your Japanese vocabulary related to the topic of "birth". Wishing you a wonderful experience and happiness when welcoming a new member to your family.

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