Japanese Vocabulary: Cooking Topics
Cooking is a fun and creative activity, and understanding and using Japanese vocabulary related to this topic will help you enjoy the process of cooking and communicating with Japanese people in the field.
Here are some Japanese vocabulary related to cooking for your reference:
- 料理 (りょうり) - Cooking, cuisine
- レシピ (れしぴ) - Recipe
- 材料 (ざいりょう) - Ingredients
- 野菜 (やさい) - Vegetables
- 肉 (にく) - Meat
- 魚 (さかな) - Fish
- 米 (こめ) - Rice
- 塩 (しお) - Salt
- 砂糖 (さとう) - Sugar
- 醤油 (しょうゆ) - Soy sauce
- 味噌 (みそ) - Miso
- オリーブオイル (おりーぶおいる) - Olive oil
- バター (ばたー) - Butter
- にんにく (にんにく) - Garlic
- しょうが (しょうが) - Ginger
- ハーブ (はーぶ) - Herbs
- 調味料 (ちょうみりょう) - Seasoning
- お玉 (おたま) - Wooden spoon
- 包丁 (ほうちょう) - Knife
- 鍋 (なべ) - Pot
Additionally, here are some useful phrases and sentences related to cooking:
- 料理をする (りょうりをする) - To cook
- 材料を切る (ざいりょうをきる) - To chop ingredients
- 火をつける (ひをつける) - To light the fire
- 煮る (にる) - To boil, simmer
- 炒める (いためる) - To stir-fry
- 揚げる (あげる) - To fry
- 味を調える (あじをととのえる) - To adjust the taste
- 混ぜる (まぜる) - To mix
- オーブンで焼く (おーぶんでやく) - To bake in the oven
- 器に盛る (うつわにもる) - To plate
Hopefully this article has helped you expand your Japanese vocabulary related to the topic of "cooking". Use these words to express your passion and enjoyment of cooking in a Japanese environment.
Good luck and have fun in discovering the art of cooking.