Famous food of Nagano region, Japan

Soba noodles are considered one of the pride dishes of Nagano Prefecture. Noodles are made from buckwheat flour.

Dec 13, 2022 - 09:08
May 17, 2024 - 12:12
Famous food of Nagano region, Japan

Soba noodles at Matsumoto

Soba noodles are considered one of the pride dishes of Nagano Prefecture. Noodles are made from buckwheat flour. There is a famous soba noodle restaurant in Matsumoto's old castle. This shop always has many customers and even customers have to queue to buy noodles.

In addition, in Matsumoto, you can enjoy raw horse meat at Kurra - a traditional restaurant in Japan.

Bamboo leaf dough cake

This is a traditional cake of Nagano Prefecture. You will feel the gentle aroma of bamboo leaves, accompanied by a large and fleshy pastry. Blended together, giving you a wonderful feeling when enjoying this cake.

Traditional Sake

Nagano Prefecture is known as a major agricultural area in the land of the rising sun. The rice grown here, of high quality, is the main ingredient for sake production. Sake in Nagano Prefecture has won the grand prize at traditional domestic and foreign sake competitions. The taste of sake is a bit spicy, however, after drinking you will have a very fragrant taste.

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