Autumn in Japan

Autumn in Japan, also known as 'Aki', usually begins in early September and this is also the start of typhoon season.

Sep 11, 2023 - 08:41
Autumn in Japan

The weather during this period often has autumn rains, but creates exceptional natural beauty from mid-October when the first winter winds begin to blow.

Autumn in Japan is often considered a relaxing period to enjoy calmer nature and lasts from September to November, when the forests change color from green to red.

Here are some highlights and activities of autumn in Japan:

  1. Autumn Festival (Akimatsuri): Autumn Festival is one of the important events of autumn in Japan. At these festivals, you can participate in fun activities, enjoy traditional dishes, and explore local culture.
  2. Red leaf season (Kouyou): Fall is also the time of red leaf season, when plants and trees turn bright red. This creates beautiful natural landscapes, and many Japanese people like to climb mountains or visit gardens to admire this beautiful natural scenery.
  3. Weather: Temperatures in autumn in Japan are usually quite stable, making it a suitable time for travel. Some popular activities include climbing mountains to pick chestnuts and visiting fruit orchards such as pears and persimmons.
  4. Festivals: Fall is also a time of festivals and events. These festivals often take place at shrines and often begin with a Shinto ritual to express gratitude and honor the gods.

Ideal destination: Nikko is one of the ideal destinations in autumn in Japan. This city is famous for the orange and red colors of maple leaves combined with the light blue of the sky and the warm yellow of the autumn sunlight. Nikko also has many famous scenic spots such as Nikko Toshogu temple, Nikko Futarasan temple and Rinnoji temple.

As such, autumn is a wonderful time to explore Japan's unique natural and cultural beauty and participate in exciting activities in a warm and peaceful environment.

Some tips when you spend autumn in Japan:

  1. Prepare warm clothes: In late fall, temperatures can drop sharply, especially in the northern regions. Make sure you bring warm clothes, a jacket and a raincoat in case you need it.
  2. Enjoy natural scenery: Autumn is the ideal time to enjoy natural scenery in Japan. Take time to tour the vibrant red gardens and engage in activities such as rock climbing, hiking, or even a multi-day rail journey to enjoy the full beauty of autumn. .
  3. Attend festivals: If you have the chance, participate in local festivals and events. This is a good way to better understand Japanese culture and enjoy unique experiences.
  4. Try fall dishes: Fall is also the time to enjoy traditional Japanese fall dishes and drinks like mochi (glutinous rice cakes), tuna cartilage, and warm sake.
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